Monday, 1 May 2017

Burrows Lea Spring Fair

Saturday was the day of the Spring Fair at Burrows Lea Country House where my mum works. 
Mum asked if I would like a stall to try and sell some of my homemade creations and I thought this was a great idea as any money made could go towards my Switzerland trip in the summer. 

I have spent the last few weeks frantically making Pom Pom hair clips, see below and knitting dishcloths. Daisy made me some fudge to take too which was an absolute god send as I sold pretty much nothing. I'm taking it as a learning curve and the nature of where my mum works is all about 'healing' and 'massage' 'crystals' etc so I'm not too sure I had the right clientele for Pom Pom hair clips hahaha. 
However, I haven't let it put me off and instead am going to work harder to create more exciting things to sell. Nanny came along to help and my number one fan Oscar was with us too who was an absolute diamond!
My Brown Owl (Lisa) and daughter; Fluffy Owl (Roni) were there doing face painting too and it was just lovely to spend time with some of my favourite people. So although no great profit, an enjoyable day and as Nanny has always said 'a learning curve!' 
Lil x


Sunday, 23 April 2017

Bunting & Pom Poms

This weekend has been rather lovely! Friday night we went to The Britannia, one of our fave pubs in G-town to see some of our favourite people. We anticipated a few drinks but ended up having some great food and staying til 1am. I promptly deposited Daisy in bed in preparation for his work filled weekend.  



Saturday I went to mum and dads and spent the day prepping items ready for a fair fayre show thing my mum is hosting where she works. There's gonna be a mix of stalls and I am hoping to sell some handmade bits to put towards my trip to Switzerland with the Guides in July! We spent the day making bunting and watching come dine with me in my old bedroom and today Daisy helped me streamline my Pom Pom hair clip making process!

What craft projects have you you got on the go?
Lil x